- Click the Tab autoresponder (which his lightning green icon)
- Tick the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request"
*Use a hair male if your character is male
*Use a hair female if you are female characters
- Drop it. SWF file that you downloaded earlier to the column Autoresponder
- Go to Ninja Saga
- Select a The character and play
- Go to Style Shop
How to Delete the cache:
* For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK
* For Google Chrome: Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
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1. fiddler download, install and run 2. Click the Tab autoresponder (who is his lightning green icon) 3. Check the "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permitpassthrough for Unmatched request" 4. Drop it. SWF file that you downloaded earlier to the column Autoresponder 5. After that clean the caches 6.Go to Ninja Saga 7.Select a new character would you play
How to Delete a cache:
1. For Mozilla Firefox: Tools ->Options ->Advanced ->Select the Network Tab ->Clear Now -> Click OK 2. For Google Chrome: Select icon in the upper right corner (next to the star) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data ->Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data
FITUR & BUKTI CHEAT LIHAT SS DI ATAS -gunakan panah atas bawah kiri kanan untuk memilih dan on off cheat -untuk auto hs tekan capslock dulu lalu aktifkan auto hs ama 2 hit nya bersamaan supaya 100%
CARA PAKAI -buka inject -start pb -muncul notis enter aja -hapy jelang mt
INGAT -scan dulu sebelim menggunakan cheat -demi kenyamanan anda -atau baca tulisan berjalan di bawah blog ini
small;">Combat M Credit : [-] Defcon Thans To: [-] Pep BAchtiar Lee [-] Sektonic NB : [-] Sebelum Make Cheat Jangan Lupa Instal JAMU !! [-] Cheat Ini Hanya Trial Cara pakai cheat: - Buka Cheat - Start PB - Tekan Enter untuk hilangkan notice (Jika ada) - Tunggu sampai proses HS selesai - Enjoy.
Room Blank Panther , helispot dkk pakai seeting 1 hit - 5 hit saja.
Downloads Cheat :
Downloads Password
Trainer: •pklpart7.dll Released: •15/04/2012 Creator: • Andrie Danang kurniawan Greetz to :OmFerry,//Maho-Sejati , Vizta Pro|Net
all member Pekalongan Community Packer/Protector: •Nothing GameTarget: • ALL Game PointBlank Type: • Hack DLL TestedWork ON :•Tested On Windows Xp Pack 2 Keys : Menu On/Off :Insert || Panah kanan On ( Right Arrow ) || Panah kiri OFF ( left Arrow)
Features : Set Wallhack
WH Tero & CT
WH Mini
WH Weapon
No smoke
ESP set Hack
ESp name
ESP boxes
ESP Darah
ESP distace
ESp line
Player hack
lari cepat/Lari tuyul (set for speed 3 )
Invisble time
Pasbom 1 hit (onkan di luar room)
Skill CT
Skill tero
Auto HS
Setting 1 hit - 5 hit
Replacce fast Change 26 Weapon
Penggunaan :
Buka Game nya /PB nya
Buka Multi PKL_Injection.exe
Game Apa yang Akan Di inject = Di isi Pdengan PointBlank.exe
Credit :
[-] Vgm Rizky Nasution
Thans To:
[-] Pep BAchtiar Lee
[-] Mix Rendhy Qweqwe
NB :
[-] Sebelum Make Cheat Jangan Lupa Instal JAMU !!
[-] Cheat Ini Hanya Trial
Cara pakai cheat:
- Buka Cheat
- Start PB
- Tekan Enter untuk hilangkan notice (Jika ada)
- Tunggu sampai proses HS selesai
- Enjoy.
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